worldwide big beat & breakbeat community

...Criminal Tribe Radio...


Interra — Faded From Reality [CTR024 01.05.17] out now on Beatport!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today, 01.05.2017, We are proud to present you the Most atmospheric album from the team !
Meet: Interra — Faded From Reality EP [#CTR024]

2 weeks of exclusivity on Beatport!

Music store:
» Exclusive on Beatport

by A.Hornet

Molotov Cocktail #43 27.04.2017 Interra [RUS] guest mix!

Today, 27.04.2017, 22:00 [MSK]/21:00 [CET] /8:00 pm [UK] on the waves of CriminalTribeRadio Breakbeat BigBeat radio-show #MolotovCocktail, special guest mix by resident of CTR — Interra!
All this stuff under the hot sauce of steady beats and comments by Алексей Терешков (Alexey Hornet).

New Breakbeat Show on Criminal Tribe Radio!

Today, 22:00 [MSK]/21:00 [CET] /8:00 pm [UK] on the waves of CriminalTribeRadio NEW Breakbeat BigBeat radio-show Krizzz is Me! Exclusive materials and selected #oldschool sound are waiting for you, also fresh news and interesting facts from the history of style! In RUS language. Connect!
All this stuff under the hot sauce of steady beats and comments by resident of CTR — Kristina Krizzz.

Molotov Cocktail #42 21.04.2017 Leser 1 [AUS] guest mix!

This friday, 21.04.2017, 22:00 [MSK]/21:00 [CET] /8:00 pm [UK] on the waves of CriminalTribeRadiо
Breakbeat BigBeat radio-show MolotovCocktail, special guest mix by new blood industrial breakbeat producer from Australia — Leser 1!
All this stuff under the hot sauce of steady beats and comments by Alexey Hornet.


     Album sound preview:


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Secret Sexy Signal — Save Me From This Shit [CTR023 16.04.17] OUT NOW!

Ladies and Gentlemen!
Meet the most audacious Breakbeat album of this spring!
Secret Sexy Signal — Save Me From This Shit EP [# CTR023 04/16/2017]

» SoundCloud » PromoDJ

Music stores:
» Exclusive on Beatport

by A.Hornet

Interra Guest Mix For The Breakbeat Show! 14.04.17

Interra, resident of the Criminal Tribe Records with Guest Mix For Linda B The Breakbeat Show On 96.9 Allfm Manchester Radio!

Listen record here:
» Mixcloud

by A.Hornet

Molotov Cocktail #41 13.04.2017 Secret Sexy Signal guest mix!

This thursday, 13.04.2017, 22:00 [MSK]/20:00 [CET] /7:00 pm [UK] on the waves of CriminalTribeRadio
Breakbeat BigBeat radio-show MolotovCocktail, special guest mix by Secret Sexy Signal!

All this stuff under the hot sauce of steady beats and comments by Alexey Hornet.

DJ MAG review both CTR releases!

Constancy is a sign of skill! Another doublet of releases from CTR ltd. In the review DJ MAG [SPAIN]! Aequo — Chakra EP [CTR008], with a rating of 9.0! And of course, the recently released remix album Operation Big Beat [CTR020] from our English friend, Rory Hoy’a and the foremost of our team, the indefatigable Under Influence! Breakbeat / Big Beat is inevitable!

Aequo — Chakra EP [CTR008 16.03.2016] in DJ MAG [April 2017] rated 9.0
Music store:
» Beatport

Rory Hoy & Under Influence — Operation Big Beat Remixes [CTR020 06.02.2017] in DJ MAG [April 2017] rated 9.5
Music store:
» Beatport

by A.Hornet

[SC]Smash3r — Cyberjack Hollowdeath [Free]

Brand new industrial breakbeat from [SC]Smash3r!

You can download the track from our official Soundcloud page:

by [SC]Smash3r

Under Influence — Big Mean Woman [Free]

April 1, the project Under Influence turned 3 years old !!
On behalf of CTR, our whole great team, we congratulate Павел Коршунов and Сергей Клукс on this date! Further advance and success to you! Infinite inspiration!
In honor of this event FREE release — Big Mean Woman!

You can download the track from our official Soundcloud page:

by A.Hornet


     Album sound preview:


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Floyd the Barber Guest Mix For The Breakbeat Show! 10.03.17

Floyd the Barber, resident of the Criminal Tribe Records with Guest Mix For Linda B The Breakbeat Show On 96.9 Allfm Manchester Radio!

Listen record here:
» Mixcloud

by A.Hornet